Institute for Science, Technology, and Public Policy
Rotem Dvir
Peer Review Articles
"The dark side of close-ties communities: How strong social connections shape health-related risk perceptions". Environmental Hazards (2024). Online (with Arnold Vedlitz).
"The multidimensionality of citizen satisfaction: A conjoint experimental approach" Public Policy and Administration. (2024). (with Xinsheng Liu, Nehemia Geva and Arnold Vedlitz).
"Nudging citizens Co-Production: Assessing multiple behavioral strategies". Policy Sciences, 1-25. (2024).​
"Worried (and) Sick: How environmental hazards affect Americans' health-related risk attitudes." Urban Informatics, vol. 3, 26 (2024). (with Arnold Vedlitz and Xinyue Ye).
"Exploring public participation modes in government: The case of infrastructure policies". Public Management Review, 1-22. (2023) (with Xinsheng Liu and Arnold Vedlitz).
"The Policy Environment of Remote Patient Monitoring: Evaluating Stakeholders' Views". International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 20, 3, 249-275. (2023) (with Carol Goldsmith and authors).
"Local-level managers' attitudes towards natural hazards resilience: The case of Texas". Environmental Hazards, 22, 3, 243-263. (2022) (with Carol Goldsmith, Ian Seavey and Arnold Vedlitz).
"Far from home: Infrastructure, access to essential services, and risk perceptions about hazard weather events". International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 80 (2022). (with Arnold Vedlitz and Ali Mostafavi)..
"All options are on the table? Time Horizons and the Decision-Making Process in Conflict." Foreign Policy Analysis, vol 17, issue. 4 (2021). (Winner of the 2020 Carl Beck award from ISA).
"Unpacking public perceptions of terrorism: Does type of attack matters?" Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 46, 9, 1575-1598. (2021) (with Nehemia Geva and Arnold Vedlitz).
"Post Factum Clarity: Failures to Identify Spontaneous Threats". Intelligence and National Security, vol. 34, issue 4 (2019).
"Who is a Rebel? Typology and Boundaries", (with Hyeran Jo and Yvette Isidori). Middle East-Topics &Arguments, vol. 16 (2016).
"Public support for Hazard-Resilient Infrastructure policies: Analysis of a survey of Texas Residents". (with Kayode Atoba). Revise & Resubmit.
"Risk perceptions, government role, and public protective behavior in the face of environmental health hazards" (with Hyunseok Hwang). Revise & Resubmit.
Current Projects
Manuscripts under review
"Evaluating public support for policies that mitigate environmental health risks: A comprehensive test using regression and machine learning models" (with Arnold Vedlitz). Under review.
"Indirect Experiences and Public Risk Perceptions of Hazards" (with Himanshu Grover, Arnold Vedlitz, Samuel Brody, Kayode Atoba and Carol Goldsmith). Under Review.
"Integration of Remote Patient Monitoring Systems into Physicians Work in Underserved Communities: Survey of Healthcare Provider Perspectives" (with Samuel Olivencia, Karim Zahed, Farzan Sarangohar and Arnold Vedlitz). Under review (arxiv).
Working papers and projects in-progress
"Public willingness to pay to reduce health risks: The challenge of environmental hazards" (with Carol Goldsmith and Arnold Vedlitz).
"Public views of gene drive technology in agriculture management: The role of information certainty and source identity" (with Carol Goldsmith, Ki Eun Kang and Xinsheng Liu).
"Public Reactions to Conventional and Cyber Terrorism: An Experimental Exploration" (with Nehemia Geva and Dafna Canetti), Working paper.
"Variations in time horizons under conflict conditions: An experimental exploration" (dissertation project), Working paper
"Short and Long Term Time Frames in Foreign Policy Choices", (with Nehemia Geva and Michael Koch). Working paper
"The Duration of Response Time In National Security Crises", Working paper