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I am an assistant research scientist in the Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy (ISTPP) in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. I also teach in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University.


My research integrates work from behavioral science, decision-making and political psychology to explore a variety of issue areas in public policy. In particular, my work explores how interactions between behavioral and structural factors shape the decisions and preferences of policymakers, public members and other stakeholders in the context of policy issues related to natural disasters, climate change and other environmental hazards, infrastructure resilience, technological innovations and more. His work also addresses decision-making in foreign policy issues such as terrorism and international security.


I am an expert in quantitative methodology, in particular experimental research designs and statistical analysis of large-n data. In all my research projects, I apply different quantitative methodologies to study how objective and subjective measures shape individuals risk perceptions, policy preferences and behavior.


My research has appeared in Policy SciencePublic Management ReviewForeign Policy AnalysisStudies in Conflict and Terrorism, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Environmental Hazards, Intelligence and National Security, and Middle East Topics & Arguments.


I teach graduate courses on quantitative research methods in public policy. The courses introduce students to quantitative research designs, programming with R / STATA  / Excel and includes a professional writing component. I also conduct short easy-to-read data projects that are published on my data analytics blog on this website. 


I received my PhD. from the department of political science at Texas A&M university. I also have a master’s degree in International relations and bachelor’s in Political science and Economics from the university of Haifa, Israel. 


I can be reached in rdvir [at]


Code for published manuscripts, working papers and other projects is available on GitHub.


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